Meet our

SOILPROM unites over 12 leading institutions including universities, research centers, and environmental agencies from across Europe.

All our Partners

VITO: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek
MU: Masaryk University
UFZ: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
SAV: Savonia University of Applied Science
GUT: Gdańsk University of Technology
AUA: Agricultural University of Athens
UPCT: Technical University of Cartagena
FZJ: Jülich Research Centre
NIBIO: Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
WUR: Stichting Wageningen Research
WU: Wageningen University
EQY: Euroquality
EQY: Euroquality logo

- EQY: Euroquality

Established in 1997, Euroquality is a service provider specialised in innovation consulting. Its main activities are European projects…

WU: Wageningen University logo

- WU: Wageningen University

Wageningen University, part of Wageningen University & Research (WUR), is the only university in the Netherlands that specifically…

WUR: Stichting Wageningen Research logo

- WUR: Stichting Wageningen Research

Wageningen Research is a research institute under the umbrella of Wageningen University and Research. WR offers a combination…

NIBIO: Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research logo

- NIBIO: Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) is a public research institute that contributes to national and international food…

FZJ: Jülich Research Centre logo

- FZJ: Jülich Research Centre

Climate and land use change are key drivers influencing terrestrial environmental systems across a wide range of spatial…

UPCT: Technical University of Cartagena logo

- UPCT: Technical University of Cartagena

UPCT (founded in 1998) is a public university member of the European University of Technology (EUT+), integrated by…

AUA: Agricultural University of Athens logo

- AUA: Agricultural University of Athens

The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) was established in 1920 and is the third oldest university in Greece.…

GUT: Gdańsk University of Technology logo

- GUT: Gdańsk University of Technology

GUT is a leading technical institution in north of Poland, with a rich history spanning over a century.…

SAV: Savonia University of Applied Science logo

- SAV: Savonia University of Applied Science

Savonia University of Applied Sciences Ltd is one of the largest and most versatile Universities of Applied Sciences in…

UFZ: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research logo

- UFZ: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

The UFZ was founded in 1991 as the first centre in the Helmholtz Association to be dedicated exclusively…

MU: Masaryk University logo

- MU: Masaryk University

RECETOX (REsearch CEntre for TOXic compounds) is department of Faculty of Science at Masaryk University in CZ. MU…

VITO: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek logo

- VITO: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek

VITO is a Research & Technology organisation that transforms scientific insights into innovative technologies, AI solutions, and policy…
