FZJ: Jülich Research Centre

Name of organisation:
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, Agrosphere Institute IBG-3
Type of organisation:
Research Center
Partner description:
Climate and land use change are key drivers influencing terrestrial environmental systems across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The IBG 3 focusses on the development of management and adaptation strategies to cope with these changes by novel monitoring and sensing technologies but also by model development and applications at various scales.
Partner role:
In the project the IBG-3 will use state-of-the-art coupled soil-groundwater-surface water models to provide the lower boundary conditions at high resolution, which can be used to force small scale 1D pollutant transport models. Additionally, coupled unsaturated-saturated zone models will be used to simulate the pollutant transport for selected pilot regions.
No website available
Person(s) involved
Jan Vanderborght
j.vanderborght@fz-juelich.deLutz Weihermüller
l.weihermueller@fz-juelich.deAli Sadrzadeh