MU: Masaryk University

Name of organisation:

Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, RECETOX

Type of organisation:


Partner description:

RECETOX (REsearch CEntre for TOXic compounds) is department of Faculty of Science at Masaryk University in CZ. MU is the second largest university in CZ and the most successful EU HORIZON applicant in CZ. The research at RECETOX is focused on human health, ecosystem quality, contaminants in environment, toxicology and ecotoxicology.

Partner role:

ECETOX MU brings expertise of ecotoxicology into the project. We will assess the impact of pollutants on soil functions and related ecosystem services. Starting with review of literature and databases, the impacts on ecosystem functions will be modelled for various scenarios of soil pollution, leasing to definition of critical concentrations of soil pollutants.t

Person(s) involved

Jakub Hofman (Institutional lead)

Paula Tourinho (Postdoc)
