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Our primary goal is to significantly reduce soil pollution in Europe by innovating and implementing sustainable soil management practices. By enhancing ecosystem health and resilience, we aim to secure a cleaner and more sustainable environment for future generations.


WP1 : Setting the scene for soil pollution processes modelling

WP1 will: -> 1/ Define end-users’ needs, use-cases’ specificities, and MP and DST requirements to frame the project development; -> 2/ Investigate the current state of knowledge and identify knowledge gaps in understanding soil pollution processes ; -> 3/ Elaborate a blueprint on how soil databases can be harmonised and integrated into the EUSO and the DestinE; -> 4/ Prepare modelling activities

D1.1 – Report on SOILPROM specifications and requirements

D1.2 – Report on soil pollution processes knowledge gaps

D1.3 – Blueprint for harmonized databases

D1.4 – Plan for models’ upgrade and integration

WP2: Soil model upgrading and integration

WP2 will: -> 1/ Prepare the collection of data that will be used to upgrade the models and run the models in the use-cases; -> 2/ Upgrade existing models with upscaling, downscaling, and addition of new modules; -> 3/ Integrate soil-related processes across the different environmental compartments to describe the 13 processes, while reducing the uncertainty of cross-compartment pollutant transport.

D2.1: Upgraded and integrated SOILPROM models

WP3: Demonstration, validation, and optimization of SOILPROM models in use-cases

SOILPROM operates on 7 use-cases to address a variety of pollutants and related impacts on soil functions and related ES. The use-cases are located across Europe and local stakeholders are involved. Results will be provided to global end-users (WP5) and dissemination plans (WP6).

D3.1: 7 use-case databases

D3.2: Lessons learned from use-case models’ application

D3.3: SOILPROM scenarios for reducing levels of pollution

D3.4: Report on the link between soil pollution and ES

D4.2: SOILPROM Decision-support tool

WP4: Modelling platform and decision-support tool development.

WP4 will: -> 1/ Set up SOILPROM Modelling Platform to facilitate the access and the execution of the suites of models addressed in the project; -> 2/ Develop a decision-support tool towards the scientific community to advise on models, data, and parameters to use in order to simulate pollutants transport and fate.

D4.1: SOILPROM Modelling Platform

WP5: Collaboration with end-users and engagement with local stakeholders

WP5 aims at ensuring the project development is in line with end-users and local stakeholders’ needs and contributes to related European initiatives and European plan.

D5.1: Needs of MP and DST users

D5.2: Report from international conference

D5.3: Toolbox for local stakeholders’ engagement

D5.4: Policy Brief

WP6: Communication, Dissemination

WP6 will aim to promote the project’s visibility by employing different types of dissemination and communication activities while coordinating project partners’ efforts to maximize the impact of SOILPROM. It will establish connections with relevant stakeholders and define the exploitation strategy.

D6.1: Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication

WP7: Project management and ethics

To manage the project and oversee the research ethics: -> 1/ Ensure the efficient implementation and management of the scientific tasks of the project; -> 2/ Ensure that the expected results are reached; -> 3/ Ensure the ethical compliance of the research with current legislative requirements and with IPR issues.

D7.1: Project Management Plan

D7.2: Quality Management Plan

D7.3: Result ownership list

D7.4: Data Management Plan

D7.5: Data Management Plan

D7.6: Data Management Plan

