NIBIO: Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

Name of organisation:
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO – Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi)
Type of organisation:
Public research institute
Partner description:
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) is a public research institute that contributes to national and international food security and safety, sustainable resource management and environmental protection, innovation and value creation through research and knowledge production within food, forestry and other biobased industries.
Partner role:
NIBIO leads WP1 “Setting the scene for soil pollution processes modelling”, is responsible for a use-case to improve the modelling of phosphorus sorption and desorption processes in the soil with linkage to phosphorus losses to water, and contributes to other WPs and tasks, including stakeholder engagement, and dissemination, exploitation and communication of the results.
No website available
Person(s) involved
Jian Liu (Institutional lead)
jian.liu@nibio.noEsther Bloem (Researcher)
esther.bloem@nibio.noManon Bajard (Researcher)
manon.bajard@nibio.noRemegio Confesor (Researcher)