GUT: GdaƄsk University of Technology

Name of organisation:

GdaƄsk University of Technology (GUT)

Type of organisation:

Public research university

Partner description:

GUT is a leading technical institution in north of Poland, with a rich history spanning over a century. Comprising eight faculties offering 41 fields of study, GUT serves over 18,000 students, with 1300 academic teachers. The SOILPROM team comes from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and focuses on flow and contaminant transport modeling in soil and groundwater.

Partner role:

GUT will focus on the Polish use-case – Puck Bay region, southern Baltic coast. Improved model will be developed to describe transport of nutrients in soil, surface waters and groundwater, including submarine groundwater discharge. GUT will be also involved in the development of modelling platform and decision support tool, integrating a variety of SOILPROM models.

Person(s) involved

Adam Szymkiewicz (Institutional lead)

Anna GumuƂa-Kawęcka (Researcher)

Beata Jaworska-Szulc (Researcher)

Dawid Potrykus (Researcher)

Wioletta Gorczewska-Langner (Researcher)

Ewa Wojciechowska (Researcher)

Wojciech Witkowski (Researcher)

Agnieszka Sabik (Researcher)

Karolina Matej-Ɓukowicz (Researcher)

Nicole Nawrot (Researcher)
