Together with our 12 partners, we kicked off the SOILPROM project in Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain!

The SOILPROM project aims to deliver upgraded and integrated models for pollutant transport and fate that assess the impact of soil pollution on soil functions and related ecosystem services and to support local stakeholders towards sustainable land management strategies and policies for soilhealth all over Europe, by analysing a selection of pollutants that are considered to have a high risk to the environment and humans.

6 use-cases

They are involved to use advanced digital tools to model soil pollution from metals, PFAS, nutrients, microplastics, and pesticidesacross soil, air, water, and plants.

  • VITO use-case, several studies will be done: adsorption and transport of PFAS; atmospheric PFAS inputs to soil and plant uptake of PFAS.
  • Wageningen University & Research use-case, studies will focus on: colloidal transport of microplastics in the soil; wind erosion and atmospheric transport and deposition of dust and particulate phase of pesticides and microplastics and water erosion and run-off transport of dissolved and particulate phase pesticides.
  • Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, the team will work on metals biogeochemistry in the soil; wind erosion and atmospheric transport and deposition of dust polluted by metals and hydrological transportation of metals by water erosion, runoff, and infiltration into soils.
  • NIBIO Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research use case, searchers will focus on sorption and desorption of phosphorus.
  • Forschungszentrum Jülich, study will be on flow of water and transport of pesticides in soils and groundwater.
  • Politechnika GdaÅ„ska,Transport of nutrients in soil, groundwater, and surface water with marine discharge will be studied.

    The project has been funded under the Horizon Europe programme of the European Commission.

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